What Is 'Cavitation'?
Cavitation is the skill of generating new culture space.
Cavitating New Space begins with taking Radical Responsibility for the Space you are in.
'To cavitate' means 'to make a cave where there was no cave before'.
You may see cavitation quite often in your daily life, for example, the little bubbles that float up on the inside of your mineral water or Ginger Ale.
Notice that each stream of bubbles on the inside of the glass comes from a fixed point. There is something special about that point where the bubbles emerge. It is an irregularity, an abnormality, an aberration, an interruption, for example, a scratch in the glass, perhaps even a floating particle of dust. That discontinuity is called the 'Cavitation Point'.
Before the cavitation event, there is only water.
After the cavitation event, there is a new material, a bubble full of carbon-dioxide gas.
It appears as if all the space is already occupied by the water and that cavitation is impossible, but it is not. Appearances can be deceiving... Something new emerges that was not there before, and the new thing occupies new Space.
The newly cavitated bubble of gas grows and grows, until the force of gravity pulling down on the water squeezes the bubble upwards with enough force that the surface tension breaks its bond to the Cavitation Point, and the new bubble floats upwards, growing as it goes. Then suddenly the next new Space is cavitated.
What you see is a stream of new bubbles sequentially cavitated at each of the Cavitation Points in your glass.
The 'stream of bubble appearing out of nothing where there is no space for them to appear' phenomenon serves as a useful model for Spaceholders and Space Navigators, because so often it would be valuable to shift from the Space you are in to a completely new Space, if only there were a new Space to shift into.
The procedure for consciously calling forth a new Space where there was already a Space existing is called 'Cavitation' (spelled with a capital 'C').
Cavitation is a Mage Space Navigation Skill.
Once you learn how to Cavitate new culture Space - or as Gameworld Builders say, Cavitate new 'Gamespace', life will work differently for you. Is this what you want?
As with many Possibilitator Skills, you already know how to Cavitate new Space and have been doing so unconsciously since you were a baby. The difference is that before now, you would unconscious keep Cavitating the same Space as existed only 3 seconds before as a way of creating the illusion of continuity of Space. The belief system of modern culture is that things do not change, things do not evolve, and we already know all there is to know, almost... at least all that is truly important...
It may seem wild to think that the culture and times which currently exists only exists because so many people keep re-creating it to exist that way each 3 seconds due to their deep-seated unconscious fear that they would not be able to Survive if things changed. But what if it is so? If you are not consciously Cavitating and occupying the Spaces of your life, then you are unconsciously Cavitating and occupying Spaces chosen by your Box and your Gremlin.
What if it were possible to learn to consciously cause new culture Space to come into existence? What sort of culture would you create and inhabit?
In order for there to be jet planes that transport people safely through the skies, not everyone onboard needs to be a certified pilot. Only one or two pilots per plane is enough for successful flights to occur.
The same is true of Transformational Spaces. In order for Transformational Spaces to provide Healing, Initiation, and Transformation, it is not necessary that everyone in the Space is a Transformational Spaceholder. One or two Trainers is enough for successful Healing, Initiation, and Transformation to occur.
However, let it be known that at this time in human history, there is a great necessity for more Transformation Navigators.
How To Cavitate New Space
Step-by-Step instruction are only useful if you Practice until you forget the Steps.
Then you have shifted identity:
You are a New Space Cavitator.
Setting conscious Intentions and Clarifying Purpose do not happen so much in the mind as they do in your Being. Clear Intention and Commitment to Purpose change who you are.
It will improve your Cavitation skills to Practice with relocating yourself to Experiential Reality rather than Verbal Reality. Verbal Reality - that which we are taught to inhabit in school - is far too slow and far too small for the rapid and thorough establishment of Intention and Purpose required to Cavitate new culture Space.
A 'Cavitation Point' is the 'discontinuity' at which Cavitation can occur. It is some kind of rather sharp disruption in the field, a cusp where things become unpredictable, a break in certainty. It is, for example, an imperfection on the inside of your glass full of carbonated water where the tiny bubbles first appear. Cavitating new Space requires the same kind of 'discontinuity' as a point of origin of the new Space. It is your job to become so much of a 'problem' that the current reality breaks down for an instant, creating enough of a shock that something new, delicate, and undefended can begin without the ordinary resistance. There are many ways to create a discontinuity that can serve as a Cavitation Point for you new Space. Some ways are subtle, some are overt. Subtle ways include Going Nonlinear, Going Unreasonable, Making a Boundary, Changing Your Mind, Saying What You Want, Saying Stop, Pulling The Rug Out, Painting a new Doorway, etc. For beginning practice we suggest a simple procedure for becoming a Cavitation Point: clap your hands together once loudly. The shocking sound you make is a physical pulse of energy that starts exactly where you are and expands as a sphere, making a chaotic vacuum exactly where you can Cavitate the new Space.
'Cavitating New Space' requires using all 5 Bodies simultaneously in coordinated creation. Before you begin, get Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled in a Radically Responsible, Small NOW, Present with your Sword Of Clarity to hand, and your Transformed Gremlin sitting or standing attentively at your side on a short leash. Obviously, this means being in Possibilitator First Position in a Decontaminated Adult Ego State.
PHYSICAL BODY: (NOTE: If you are left-handed you will need to reverse 'Right' and 'Left' in these instructions.) Hold your left hand out before you with your palm up, elbow close to your body. The palm of your left hand is the platform upon which you Cavitate the new Space. Shape your right hand into the 'Dr. Strange' Cavitation position (with your right palm facing outward away from your body, your right thumb pointing left, your right first finger pointing upwards, the rest of your fingers bent over either at the first knuckles, or all the way into a fist. Rotate your entire right arm in a wide clock-wise circle from the 6 o'clock position leftwards, all the way around the clock back to the 6 o'clock position, with your right hand landing back in your left palm.
INTELLECTUAL BODY: Hold a clear picture in your mind of the model of Cavitating a new bubble of Space. Then, while rotating your right arm, you firmly and clearly say, "I Cavitate new space in which..." or, "I Cavitate new Space where..." or, "I Cavitate new Space such that..." and complete the sentence, defining the primary extraordinary qualities of the new Space.EMOTIONAL BODY: Use your Conscious Anger to empower your Cavitation Creation actions, and use your Conscious Fear to Navigate this Space-Birthing process.
ENERGETIC BODY: Cavitation is a Declaration that changes the shape of your Energetic Body. Before the Declaration, your Energetic Body conforms to the current Space. After the Declaration your Energetic Body conforms to the new Space you just Cavitated. The shift of shape of your Energetic Body may include a Shift of your Identity. As you rotate your right arm all the way around the circle from 6 o'clock back to to 6 o'clock, use your Energetic Body to Declare into existence a new sphere of Space. In Aramaic they would say, "Avra Kadevra" to mean something like: "I create as I speak."
ARCHETYPAL BODY: You will only be able to enter your newly Cavitated Space if your Being changes shape to become the person who now sources the new Space. Changing the shape of your Being archetypally forces the Universe to interact with you differently. If you do not go through the Liquid State of your Being changing shape, you will continue sourcing the old Space. Gaining these 5 Body skills may require that you go through one or more Emotional Healing Processes (EHP). Just do them, but do them completely through. Many EHPs involve layers, meaning that you may need to re-visit the same issue several times to get to the root of it.
If you Cavitate a new culture Space but do not occupy that Space yourself with your Being and your Aliveness, your Projects and your Vision, then you do not bring that Space to life. Instead you have merely formulated a Memetic Construct, and the Space is stillborn.
There is responsibility that comes with Creation. Actually what comes with Creation is Radical Responsibility. What this means is that you are unable to disassociate yourself from Total Responsibility for creating whatever you create, even if you created it by not doing anything. We live in a Responsible Universe.
There is no rule that says you must occupy and enliven every Space you create. What we are saying is that even the most amazing Possibility Space will not come to life on its own without someone, or more likely, some Team inhabiting the Space with their Aliveness. Right now you are Choosing which Spaces to Cavitate and occupy with your life. The important question is, are you Choosing consciously or unconsciously? Which Space have you not Cavitated and occupied, but you would dearly love to? What is stopping you? These are important questions.
Details For How To Cavitate New Culture Space
Here are close-up stop-action photos of a Possibilitator Cavitating new culture Space.
To prepare for Cavitation, make sure you are Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, in the Decontaminated Adult Ego State with your Transformed Gremlin at your side, holding a clear Purpose and Intention for the new Space your will Cavitate.
NOTE: If 'First Position' is your ordinary state, then you are prepared to Cavitate new Space any time!
Create a Discontinuity by becoming a 'Cavitation Point'.
There are many ways to create a Discontinuity, for example, Going Nonlinear, Ask A Different Question, Choose Your Third Answer, Change Your Mind, etc.
To begin Cavitation practice, we recommend abruptly clapping your hands together while beginning loudly, clearly, and firmly to Declare, "I Cavitate..." (bang!)
Immediately shift your Left Hand into a platform upon which to Cavitate your new Space, while using your Right Hand and all 5 Bodies to Cavitate your sphere of new Space.
Use your Real Voice to complete the Declaration, "...a new Space where..." and fill in the blank with specific qualities of your new Space.
Be clear and specific as you scribe through 360 degrees of the perimeter of the new sphere with your Right Arm, Declaring the Purpose, Intention, and Qualities of your new Space as you go along. Take your time, but this is not an opportunity to think.
Continue arcing through the 360 degrees, inventing the Space, giving birth to the Space, Cavitating the new spherical Space through speaking it into existence and filling it with the associated Bright Principles.
Bring your sparkling Space-defining Right Hand full-circle back to the Space-creation platform in your Left Hand.
Now you have Cavitated an entire sphere of new Space and hold it in your hands.
Instantly use both Right and Left Fingers to punch a hole through the side of your newly Cavitated Space in front of you. Grip the edges of the hole you just made, and stretch the hole wide enough for you to step into it while simultaneously expanding the Space so it grows larger.
Then physically step fully through the hole you have made until you are entirely inside of your newly Cavitated bubble of Space ---
--- and after stepping through it, energetically seal-up the hole at your back.
You now occupy your new culture Space.
You are the first occupant of this new Space... first occupant ever.
If you do not occupy the new Space, nobody will see that it is Possible to occupy it.
Own your new Space. You just Cavitated it. It is yours to occupy.
It is possible that this Space you just Cavitated and occupied never existed on in the global ethnosphere of Earth before. Let that realization sink in for a few moments.
Since the Space determines what is Possible, this would mean that the set of Possibilities now available in your newly Cavitated culture Space may never have been available for human beings before. Perhaps we simply never thought to Cavitate this particular Space.
If you continue to inhabit your new Space you can begin to invite others into that Space with you. It is Possible that your new culture Space creates an entirely new future for life on Earth.
Short Demonstration Video
Here is a demonstration of how to practice Cavitating new culture Space.
When you are Responsible for something you are alive.
Cavitating new Space starts with being Responsible for the existence of your new Space.
Cavitating new Space brings you to life.
- Clinton Callahan
How To Use Cavitation?
Cavitation Experiments
What you gonna do? Cavitate new culture Space!
Matrix Code CAVITATE.01
No matter whose Space it is supposed to be, no matter whose Space it is advertised to be, no matter whose Space it legally is, it is YOUR Space. You are irreversibly, irrevocably, irredeemably, irremediably, the Spaceholder of every Space you are in. No matter what it looks like, no matter what other people think, it is YOUR Space. Why?
Because you are more aware of what is going on in the Space, and more than that, you are more aware of what else could possibly be going on in that Space.
You are the Space's potential Doorway because you are training yourself to be a Conscious Space Navigator.
This means that whatever mess is made, it is YOUR mess. Whatever beneficial outcome is created, it is YOUR creation. This Experiment is: for the next 50 Spaces you are in, document each Space in your Beep! Book with written answers to these 4 questions for each Space:
- Whose Space it is supposed to be?
- Who owns the Space behind the scenes by making background decisions and setting background Context?
- What is the stated and actual Purpose of this Space?
- What move you made to exhibit you being Radically Responsibility for this Space?
Then take Radical Responsibility for that Space you are in, accompanied by the idea: This Space could be improved.Imagine that you told the Spaceholder, "This Space could be improved." What would they say (if they were in their Decontaminated Adult Ego State...)? They would say, "Please tell me how."Imagine that they asked you exactly that: Please tell me how this Space could be improved. Then write a few notes after each Space you document in your Beep! Book, explaining in specific detail how this Space could be improved.If anyone asks you what you are doing, simply tell them, "I am a Space Navigator. I am making notes about how the qualities of this Space could be improved." (If they are smart, they will try to hire you to tell them what you have discovered...)After Noticing the qualities of, and making written Proposals in your Beep! Book for, improving the qualities of at least 50 different Spaces, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.GET AN IMPRESSION OF YOURSELF
Matrix Code CAVITATE.02
The writer of this web page uses the image of carbonic acid bubbles forming and rising in mineral water. The writer is a nose ahead of you if you don't do the following experiment:
You'll need a bottle of mineral water, a glass, and a thin wooden stick (for example, the handle of a thin paintbrush or a wooden shish kebab skewer).Read the entire web page once from top to bottom, and then review everything the writer observed regarding carbonation.
Take at least 10 minutes to look into the glass and just see. Hold the glass opening up to your ear and listen to the tingle of the bubbles bursting.
No one has heard those bubbles tingle before you.
Place the wooden stick in the water and watch as tiny bubbles immediately form on its surface. These grow and unite into larger bubbles. The bubbles sit like grapes on the wooden stick and change all the time.
They move the wooden stick in the water and give it buoyancy to some extent, so that it rises a bit. I've been observing that.
What are you observing? Make your own notes.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.03
Read through the website https://holdspace.mystrikingly.com/. You can't do the further experiments if you haven't read what has already been researched on the subject of holding space.
I mean, how are you going to create irritation in a space with awareness if you don't know anything about physical and energetic spaces?
So read this first.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.04
Go to a forest, but don't enter the forest yet. Park your car, bike or roller skates about 30 meters away from the forest or what you think is the forest. First explore with your senses where the physical space "forest" begins. Is the boundary where the first tree is?
Where does the physical space "forest" end upwards?
Is it limited by the highest branch?
Or by the aerosols and the water vapor that rises?
Where does the physical space "forest" end downwards? You don't see the roots. Billions of living beings, plants and fungi live from and with the trees in the earth - invisible for you.Does the physical space "forest" begin where you hear it?
The rustling of the trees in the wind, the birds? Where you can smell it? The cool air in the forest on a hot summer day. Is all this part of the physical space "forest"?
Explore the energetic space "forest" as well. How do you do that?What are your energetic sense organs? Is the energetic space "forest" bigger or smaller than the physical space?
What other adjectives can you find to describe the energetic space "forest".
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.05
You are in a lot of spaces every day.
Every night for a week, describe three of those spaces in terms of the following criteria:
- Name of the space
- What are the borders of each physical space?
- What are the borders of each energetic space?
- Describe the quality of the space.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.06
The carbonic acid bubbles in the water glass are spaces. Very small spaces in a slightly larger space: the water glass. This water glass is in a space, the café, where you are sitting right now. The café is located at the bottom of a skyscraper, the room "Skyscraper". This is located in the town of Niederkaltenkirchen. It is located in the "Bavaria" room. Bavaria belongs to the space "Germany" - "Europe" - "globe" - "solar system" - "Milky Way" - where do we end up?
Observe a few physical spaces from your weekly collection (experiment 4) in this way: from the small to the larger to the largest space and also the other way around, starting from the physical space which you have described, becoming smaller and still smaller.By the way, this works with every physical space.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.07
Go to a physical space that is familiar to you. I mean something like your living room. Make sure you're alone, undisturbed, and your phone is on silent.
Stand in the center of the space and close your eyes for a few breaths. Then clap your hands loudly one time while still keeping your eyes closed. Notice exactly where the beginning of this physical wave is that was triggered by the clapping. Also notice how the wave spreads.Does it stop at the walls of the space or does it go on?
How far can you follow it?
Also observe the energetic wave. How does it spread?
What is the irritation in the space that you have created?Who is irritated? Maybe you yourself? What is irritated?
Describe the quality of the irritation.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.08
Do the following experiment for at least a week. The idea is to create irritation in spaces where other people are present. All kinds of spaces are suitable for this. Supermarkets, the post office, a dinner with the family, a train compartment, a pedestrian zone, a classical violin concert, a quiet lake with a few anglers or even a sauna.
For now, start with the tried-and-true clapping your hands-method. It is simple and effective.Explore the irritation in the room.
- Where do you perceive it first?
- How does it show itself?
- If you are in a large room, you might explore whether the acoustic wave spreads in sync with the irritation.
- Describe what you feel with all 4 feelings.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.09
Watch the short demonstration video with Anne-Chloé Destremau on this website. Watch it several times in a row, studying each of her movements in this process.
- What does your physical body notice? What lands there?
- What does your intellectual body notice? What lands there?
- What does your energetic body notice? What lands there?
- What does your emotional body notice? What lands there?
- What does your archetypal body notice? What lands there?After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CAVITATI.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CAVITATE.10
The Space determines what is Possible.
- Clinton Callahan
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code CAVITATE.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!